Starting a new popular video channel can be difficult, but with the right idea and with enough passion and time, it’s more than possible. Understandably, there are certain guidelines one needs to follow, which is something this article can help you with.
It all starts with the right software

Regardless of how great the idea is and how creative some person is, in the end, the quality of the content depends on the tools you use for editing the video. This tip or rule is universal, meaning it applies to every type of video and for every type of channel, regardless of the niche.
Understandably, there are certain things one should seek when the goal is to create a car video channel, and that is why doing a bit of research is always highly recommended.
There are plenty of variables one needs to take into account when launching their channel, but luckily, there are plenty of programs you can use in order to capture the right moment and set everything to your ideal preferences.
Another aspect one needs to consider is whether they are ready to pay for editing software, and if so, how much. There are plenty of features and add-ons that can help you reach desired goals and set parameters in order to reach more audiences.
Even if one pays for the best possible software available, if they are unfamiliar with how to use certain features and how to use all available tools, it would all be for nothing.
That is why, before making any decision, be realistic about your editing skills so that you don’t end up paying more for something you will not use.
On the other hand, plenty of software you can find online offers free trials and, above all, plenty of great software that is free but still has all the options and features needed – if you want to check it out, click here for more.
Engage with the audience
The only way to stand out and grow the audience is to create some interactive features. There are plenty of ways to do so, but one should stick to the one they are most familiar with and the one that suits the purposes of their car video channel the most.
It all starts with the easiest thing – replying to the comments and answering questions. Yes, it’s as simple as that because once the viewers see that you care about them and provide detailed info about their questions, regardless of how plain some questions are, the more fond will they get with the channel.
This will increase the trust with the audience and help you create a bond with them, which can be of vast help for growing your channel. As for the response rate, it’s not like one should post a video and wait all day to check whether someone will post a comment so that they will instantly respond, far from it.
But, within several hours, up to 24 hours is a time period that’s considered good.
Cooperation with influencers and vloggers

Regardless of what some might think, influencers have a vast impact on shaping the view about certain topics, subjects, products, etc. – the same goes for video channels. Yes, if some popular influencer mentions your video channel, it can be a huge boost and help you reach your desired goals, audience-wise, much faster.
As for vloggers, this can be even more important for the channel, as it’s also about videos, and mentioning your channel in their videos can be a great boost, too.
Also, collaborating with vloggers helps both parties as your audience will start following their channel and vice versa. All of this can give substantial growth to both channels.
It might be a bit challenging to find the right vlogger in the beginning, but with time, this will get much easier, leaving you with only one decision – with whom to start collaboration.
Optimize videos
This is pretty understandable because everything today revolves around advertising, and everything about advertising revolves around optimization.
We all know that SEO is of vast importance, and in essence, even if the videos we create are the best of the best and even if our channel is both informative and interesting, it would all be for nothing if no one knew about it.
The only way for people to find and know about it is by using the right keywords. The algorithms used by platforms differ, but there are some generic tips that we can use to our advantage.
The key is to use relevant and powerful keywords. The title is where it all starts, but tags and descriptions are also something to focus on. Once this is sorted, the result will easily be visible in the rank of your car videos, as they will be in the top ten search results.
Search engines these platforms use will consider your videos of great content quality due to good optimization, and once you get to the point that videos are in the top search results, the goal is reached.
Be precise and concise

Every study done on the topic of how long people watch videos clearly shows that the best-case scenario is that it lasts approximately a minute.
The reason for that is simple – way too many videos and content are available that push us to look for something more interesting, even when our attention is on something that’s already interesting.
That is why, to keep viewers for as long as possible, the goal is to create engaging and interactive videos so that people will find them interesting.
Of course, we are all interested in different things, and even passionate car enthusiasts have different preferences when it comes to vehicles, which is why this is a bit tricky subject. It means that it can be challenging for every video you create to be popular and with tons of views.
That is where setting a time frame that you will cover can help when creating car videos, and sticking to that time limit for the video will help keep subscribers watching your videos.